
Get User Settings

Video to show how to get user settings from 1Tool API

0:01 Okay, so I’ll be showing you to get the user settings. So um inside the environment and I’ve declared the API.

0:16 Like token is a variable which I will be using umm in my API calls. So it’s inside the environment, uh one tool and API token.

0:28 So when I go to the collection, one tool, uhh under the full folder, use the settings. So this would be the API call.

0:36 The method would be get and endpoint would be user settings. And if I go to authorization, I have to stack the type and.

0:48 and in token, I will be using that variable. Uhm. Yeah. So, and when I hit the send button, so I will be getting my user settings.

1:03 Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. See you next time. Bye. Bye.


The following sections are important:

  • Header with different tabs
  • Column chooser
  • Filter chooser
  • Data table with sorting, drag & drop of columns
  • Footer with number of pages, pagination and edit buttons


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