
User Setting for decimalSeparator and thousandsSeparator

1Tool now includes number format for each user.



API Call for it is

„number_format“: {

„decimalSeparator“: „,“,

„thousandsSeparator“: „.“


0:01 Each user has his own number format, so he can decide on the thousand separator between dot, comma, and nothing and on the comma separator between dot and a comma.

0:15 So for example for me this is the best solution. As a thousand separator I have the dots and a comma for the decimal separator and when I save it and I get at the user settings there are two new fields which are decimal separator and thousand separator.

#0:34 So please all the number formats you have to check the user settings what is preferred for him, the decimal or thousand separator and then show the the number in this format.


The following sections are important:

  • Header with different tabs
  • Column chooser
  • Filter chooser
  • Data table with sorting, drag & drop of columns
  • Footer with number of pages, pagination and edit buttons


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